Work > Installations > le déserteur
le déserteur
le déserteur is a digital exhibition and performative installation curated by Sylvain Souklaye.
le déserteur is a ticket for a unique, immersive and sensory experience via a range of artistic and literary experiments. le déserteur brings a museum home.
le déserteur is the subject of a narrative, a work of art, a beacon of communication.
le déserteur can be defined as a haven, forming a meeting point between publics, thinkers and artists. For some, it is a state. For others, a mere moment. Yet for all of us, it remains still so difficult to reach.
Time will be taken with le déserteur. A different theme and variation will be touched upon with each appearance. In short, this is a personal journey, yet shared with many.
Here and elsewhere, desertion is a visceral decision, a cathartic experience that could be compared with the male shark leaving its home, or even a foetus being ripped from its motherland, resulting in its very own death.
le déserteur has a great many faces. No sides are ever taken. The fence is sat upon and no truths are spoken. le déserteur is often at the edge of breaking point, oft-times bordering on madness.
Writing in its many forms, design and its architecture and usability, music through an original soundtrack, cinema via short films and the image by means of series of photographs, anything goes… Any subject may be considered noble as long as it is treated beyond its very own opinion.
le déserteur remains absent with full knowledge of the facts, wishing to create an organic link. There is no state of denial, but only one of action. No skin is to be saved by le déserteur. Contact is avoided. le déserteur attempts to lose itself… with the aim of finding a new balance among others.
We have no knowledge of what will happen to us. This we accept.
This fact being said and written, you may do with it what you will. Therein lies the objective of this object. We hope it to be carnal, classic and experimental.
All paths can be deserted, but none lead to Rome.
a work of art in an iPad and iPhone
le déserteur is made of two rooms. In each, twelve works of art are displayed.
Each work of art is comprised of a film, a writing and a photograph.
Twenty writers have been curated. The texts are available in English and French, with a day and night reading mode.
le déserteur travelled
…in a public library in Paris (bibliothèque Aimé Césaire, Paris 14e).