-> Loops | Vox populi | Layers | Together and separate <- collective performance at The Momentary, Inverse Performance Festival 2021
The unknown is a shared familiar sensation moving from a fragile “I” to a pastoral chaos.
It is not a déjà-vu, it is more a “I’ve always known you”. The similarities of trauma and practices precede the encounter. But names and faces systematize selfiecation and tagging until they constitute an adequate protocol regulating visual stimuli. Fortunately, awkwardness is saving us from a seamless social contract. We derailed and transformed the metro into a pedalo for eight.
What has been said and shown becomes an affective photography embedded into a collective imagination. Past, present and future are the same disconnected moment. Those time-capsule meetings are not about remembering images but about invoking their absence.
The repetition of those selective questionings and fragmented interactions create a meta-discursive manifesto. Happy accidents and reinforcement of intentions serve as strategies to avoid data-driven processes. Meanwhile the multiplication of pattern behaviour from a screen to another develop and nourish a bio-mechanical stream of belonging.
The process is all about the space. The one we missed, share, shared and will be missed.
The lack of depth on a screen gives few windows of opportunity for trying, failing, and smiling.
A large physical space demands to be filled by bodies even if they had other agenda and places to be. Claiming small regions of pixels or flooring require recognizing the body as a territory and checkpoint. Each territory has its ephemeral roots and revolutions.
No declaration of dependence can be found when frontiers are invisible or/and impalpable.
Their voices and desires write anthems waiting for a nation or an audience.
Their movements resonate in silence and exist for and by themselves.
Each territory is asked to be a part of a document-ACTION. Levi Strauss didn’t have the cultural sensitivity of a looper…
Bodies are carrying histories from one point to another until the next one. While the minds and the breathings are composing melancholia and melodies for discreet witnesses.
The territories started eight months ago as digital griots, became live/life incubators and will be remembered as emphatic shapes.
The past time spent on screen and the present time shared of stage are an occasion to setup a Pangaea, made of insularities.