Work > Performances > terrainGLISSANT

terrainGLISSANT is a live art experience exploring deportation, migration and exile from colonisation onto globalisation. I dig into my intimacy and retrace epigenetics patterns to craft a live mapping for the outside world.
terrainGLISSANT is a collective exodus inside a time capsule made of space, time, matter and life.
I am the vessel of a situational dilemma where linguistics, movement, and culture are wrestling for our future memories.
What does it mean to have a nomadic soul and a transitory history?
How does it feel to have a mutable identity and a shared memory?
When the memory compass is disoriented, the time of territories and the space of sentiments must become a bridge, a dead end, or even a dead beginning. I go back and move forward simultaneously to reach this elasticity that history refuses us.
With terrainGLISSANT I deploy a collective artistic research in motion about the movement that leads us to this moment in real time.
performed at longwood art gallery, Bronx, New York, for NOMADIC: Performance art & territoriality organized and curated by hector canonge (2023)
SELECTED AT THE Loose Threads: ‘WHEN TWO BECOME ONE’ digital exhibition, Kent, United Kingdom (2020)
PERFORMEd at the ‘Archipelago: Map(s) of the Moving World’ organised by Center for Arts, Design and Social Research, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland (2019)
Performed at the Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland in 2019
© Amir Zainorin